Punjab RERA some sections of the Act were enforced with effect from 1st May 2016 although it came completely into force from 1st of May 2017, Chairman of the Punjab RERA is IAS Sh. N.S. Kang.
RERA Complaints in Karnataka
Karnataka (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) is the authority made for homebuyers so that they can get relief and developers cannot exploit them.
Activities where one can invest as part of Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR if often referred to a corporation’s initiatives to estimate and take responsibility of its effects on the environment and the society.
Circle Rate Revision in Gurgaon Real Estate
The district administration of Gurgaon has revised its circle rates and the same will come into effect from Monday, February 12, 2018.
RERA provision regarding 70 percent Deposit in Bank Account
One of the most prominent provision requires the Developers to deposit 70 percent of the funds collected from buyer in a separate bank account.
Increase your take home pay by restructuring your salary
It is highly require to understand your salary structure and discuss it in detail with your HR to get a favourable salary break-up before you hands in with your salary.
Difference Between Partnership and LLP
A details article where we are discussing about difference between partnership and LLP.
Reopening of Income tax case after 6 years
Whether notice for reopening of cases on the basis of finding of tribunal, after expiry of 6 years limitation from the relevant AY in which the income was first assessable, is a valid notice.
Prakash Software Solution (P) Ltd. vs. Income Tax Office (ITAT- AHMEDABAD)
A detailed article abhout Prakash Software (P) Ltd. vs. Income Tax Office
FAQ’s on Corporate Social Resbonsibility
Companies consider there one responsibility i.e to earn more for their shareholders. But the concept of corporate social responsibility says that companies should also take responsibility of society.
20 Property Dealers File Papers at New RERA Office
HRERA received 20 applications from those looking for registration as property dealer in two days after the beginning of operations on Tuesday.
Disposal of RERA Complaints in 60 Days: HRERA
Chairperson of the state’s RERA on Tuesday said that the board on his watch would endeavor to resolve all the complaints within the stipulated time of 60 days.
65 Projects approved under RERA in Mysore
A sum of 65 real estate projects in Mysore had been affirmed by Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA), which had been set up a year ago to control real estate sector.
RERA Notice to 10 City Realtors
UDHD have cautioned the promoters and developers of 10 forthcoming projects in and around Patna against publicizing and advertising their projects without getting them registered with the RERA.
OC Received for the partial project- RERA Ambit
There is still confusion about which project falls under the ambit RERA; what if the partial Occupation certificate has been received by the builder for any project, will it be out of RERA Ambit or not?