Patent Registration
Patent registration is governed by the Patent Act, 1970 which helps to protect the invention of any inventor which may relate to machine, computer, software, technical application, chemicals or drugs. Any person who wants to protect his inventions shall apply for patent registration.
Concerned Authority
The concerned authority for Patent registration is Office of the Controller General of Patent , Designs and Trademark.
Eligibility to be a Patentable subject matter
- It should be an invention as per The Patent Act,1970.
- It should not falls under Section 3 of the Act which speaks about what are not inventions.
- The invention should not be related to any atomic energy.
- It should be capable of Industrial application.
Documents Required for Patent Registration
1. Details of the Business
2. Details of the Inventor/Entity.
3. Report on the Inventions with each intrinsic details.
Patent Registration Process
1. Conduct Patent Search
2. Preparation for application.
3. Submission of the application.
4. After submission final acknowledgement will be generated.
Advantages of Patent Registration
1. Get royalty if your invention is registered.
2. Protect your Invention for 20 years.
3. Protection of Right over invention and in case of infringement the owner can sue the other party and ask for the compensation.